单词 stride 例句大全,用单词stride造句:

As you fatigue, your leg turnover often slows before your stride length diminishes.
当您疲劳时, 您的步长还没有减小, 您的交换腿却先慢了下来。
His stride was the long, slow stride of the farmer who could work from dawn to dusk.
他的步伐慢而大, 是一位能从早干到晚的农民的步伐。
Learn to take a joke in stride. Having a good sense of humor is an attractive quality.
Language Spoken English Stride over culture social intercourse Spoken language ability.
Finally, together with the twins of Azrael, they stride in the brand new world of life.
He makes Weizhen airline obtains a stride to develop not only, and open force ceaselessly.
I increased my stride trying to shake them off, only to discover them catching up with me.
我们加大步幅试图摆脱他们, 却发现他们追上了我。
A reasonably long stride is desirable and this should be light and appear quite effortless.
By moving the head forward during the stride, many elements of the swing become compromised.
By that time, Federer was hitting his stride and took the second set with a minimum of fuss.
There are three things that are stately in their stride, four that move with stately bearing.
But Guatemalans, accustomed to the dangers of living, seem to take the journey in their stride.
Thousands of the birds stride along the shorelines in what local media calls The Penguins Vigil.
Comparison and analysis on the frequency and stride of Chinese and foreign elite female sprinter
I do not have a turtle will not be able to stride over river, should be the champion of the turtle.
Criterion of broken and limit stride calculation in shallow coal seam coved with thick loose layer.
Improving the Utilization Efficiency of Electronic Publications, Making Big Stride in Digital Reading
Running outdoor demands more from your body because youre propelling your body forward stride for stride.
walk, saunter, stride, trudge, shamble He strode into the station a few minutes before the trains departure.
在火车离开的前几分钟, 他阔步走进了火车站。
The distance you have just marked out is the distance of a single stride, when the cheetah is at full speed.
British Airways is taking the criticism in stride, arguing that MacDonald's intentions have been misunderstood.
英航对这些批评应付自如, 辩解说麦克唐纳的初衷被误解了。
Rhythm As noted above, athletes who run with an exaggerated stride length tend to be inefficient and tire quickly.
节奏如上所述, 步幅过大的运动员效率低, 容易疲劳。
Make a small step each year and a big stride every five years, and with three big strides the work is almost done.
Probing into the problem adjusting settlement difference used cincture constructing later in high and low stride building
Through shortening your stride and eliminating overextending, you should be able to keep your feet directly underneath you at all times.

单词 stride 释义

  • 单词释义:大步,阔步;步幅;进展;一跨(的宽度)  [更多..]



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