A kite was flying upwards raising its head and throwing itself into the air.
我好似一个风筝, 翘首扑向空中, 乘着风在那里爬升。
Determination of Methanol in Mousse by Using Static Head Air Gas Chromatography
The utility model discloses a distribution head of an upper air evacuation filter.
To avoid air embolis, place the patient with head down, in Trendelenburg position.
Brevet gave a start of surprise, and surveyed him from head to foot a frightened air.
To avoid air embolis, place the patient with head down, in the Trendelenburg position.
头部放低, 取头低脚高位。以避免气栓。
The discs create a slight breeze as they spin, creating a cushion of air for the head.
brevet gave a start of surprise, and surveyed him from head to foot with a frightened air
布莱卫骇然大吃一惊, 把他从头一直打量
Psychic Festival small air ride brooms and started flying, playing pumpkin head and the bat.
He went along with his head in the air when he drovehis cows over the meadows to seek pasture.
My sister lifts her head to get a gulp of air, pushing her mess of brown curls out of the way.
我妹妹抬起头吸一大口气, 撩开她乱糟糟的褐色卷发。
A dolphin breathes air through a hole called a blowhole. This blowhole is on the top of its head.
While also supporting the production of various kinds of air compressor crankcase, head, host round.
Head continuous with body; Study on the Air Flow Rate of a Positive Pressure Respiratory Protective Hood
Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body.
推肩的空气, 呼吸加快, 并旋转头回落到中心前体。
The drive head, as a rule, never touches the discs unless something happens to that cushion of air beneath it.
The Study of Compacting Mehanism and Compacting Effects of Air Impact Molding Machine with Formed Squeeze Head
For the treatment of head lice they suggest application of hot air or mechanical removal using a wet combing method.
The application of high efficiency mill cutter head for air bleeder improves the successful ratio of air bleeder treatment.
He opened his mouth once or twice, then closed his eyes in concentration, then shook his head and puffed out air in exasperation.
他嘴张了张, 接着闭目思索, 然后摇摇头, 愤怒地吐出一口气。
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