单词 Air Space 例句大全,用单词Air Space造句:

Negative space make arrangement different, so make air in the arrangement.
留白的空间会使得作品感觉不同, 所以在作品中做出空间。
Air law applies in the former case while the latter is subject to space law.
The large axial fan with exterior drive motor draws the air out of the space.
Research on heat transfer characteristics of heating tubes in enclosed air space
Any plant in a container needs room to grow and enough space for air to circulate.
Examples of air conditioning design in light steel structure large space buildings
The container must be packed to provide air space for circulation of the fumigant.
Air is the space around the physicality of the earth element and defines the space.
First, Israel retained control of Gaza's air space, sea space and external borders.
Flexitank should be fullyfilled with RBD SOYA BEAN OIL and only little space for air.
要求集装箱液袋装满精制大豆油, 不能充有空气。
Pedrito arched his back against the mattress, desperately trying to form an air space.
Study on the Effect of Unsymmetric Air Supply to Mechanical Exhaust in Large Space Fire
A saleable commodity, the right to occupy or use the air space above a specific property.
一种可出售的商品, 即占领或使用某物业上空的权利。
The Heat Transfer Calculation and Experiment Research on Heat Pipes in the Enclosed Air Space
Cavity Wall A wall built of solid masonry units arranged to provide air space within the wall.
用实心砌体砌成的墙, 墙内放入空气。
The emergency air supply must be sufficient to allow the personnel to evacuate the confined space.
Air conditioning systems help control humidity by cooling the return space air below the dew point.
Motorised adjustable louvres in the external walls control the amount of air supplied to the underfloor space.
Every air conditioner, including those in cars, has a fan or blower to circulate the air though the cooled space.
Says R.E.G. Davies, of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, author of a book on the Concorde: ' If it needs yet more money spent on it to make it safe, this is the end of an era. '
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单词 Air Space 释义

  • 单词释义:无线电(或电视)频道,广播空间,领空;空处;气腔  [更多..]



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