单词 a line 例句大全,用单词a line造句:

A line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage.
Angle between two lines, distance from a point to a line, family of straight lines.
两直线之夹角, 点与线之距离, 直线族。
Gets the distance that black pixels extend beyond the bottom alignment edge of a line.
Epitaph a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has permanently discontinued.
A line scan camera acquires a single line of the image at a time, eliminating the blur.
为了清除失真, 线性扫描相机在一个时间需要单一光线。
A line wheel locking device is arranged between the line wheel casing and the line wheel.
Base line Imaginary horizontal line on which characters in a line of type appear to stand.
References should be placed some three to five lines under the letterhead, and a line apart.
The police detective got a line on where the thief was hiding and soon after apprehended him.
Draws a line segment and an arc, and moves the current position to the ending point of the arc.
Do not end a line with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parenthesis.
A new estimation method of arrival direction is proposed using a line array of vector hydrophones.
Start a line with an exclamation mark To make a heading. More exclamation marks mean bigger headings.
A horizontal component of a line segment connecting a feature and a corresponding point is a parallax.
Picture a line that runs from your toes, along your spine and out the top of your head as a laser beam.
We have also allocated almost the same amount to a line of credit for the reconstruction of the country.
The techniques described above lend themselves admirably to a regular progression along a line of survey.
As with any large investment, it can be emotionally difficult to abandon a line of research when it isn't working out.
巨大投资后 对那些失败的尝试 情感上总会难以割舍
A line of oils and balsamic vinegar is available in containers that dispense the product with a unique pumping action.
the angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction.
The governing equations are solved by implicit algorism and a line relaxation method is used to solve the algebraical equations.
A line of latitude at the north or south poles. Interdecadal Change of the Antarctic Oscillation and the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave
"Look," he said."Why don't you draw a line a few inches behind the board and aim at making your take-off from there?"
In mathematics, the integral of a function of several variables defined on a line or curve that has been expressed in terms of arc length.
The rampart itself was usually twelve feet high, armed with a line of strong and intricate palisades, and defended by a ditch of twelve feet in depth as well as in breadth.
营地的四周, 在营帐和围墙之间留有200英尺的空间。
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单词 a line 释义

  • 单词释义:不育系,支座 反力影响线;一行  [更多..]



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