单词 application note 例句大全,用单词application note造句:

A Note on the Application of Division Algorithm
Even then single adverse note killed the application.
Confirmation Note will be sent on acceptance of this application.
本申请获接纳后, 会发出确认通知书。
But should note that no application of extreme bow Angle or elevation.
但须注意, 不应用极度的俯角或仰角。
Please note the deadline of each form. Surcharge must be paid for application overdue.
Note Please refer to the Notes to Application at the Annex before completing this form.
注意在填写本表格前, 请参阅载于附件的所需注意事项。
It were discussed that must take note of problems in application of a cutter in NC machining.
Please note that application without complete supporting documents will cause a delay in processing.
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单词 application note 释义

  • 单词释义:应用注解,操作说明书  [更多..]



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