单词 Areas 例句大全,用单词Areas造句:

For example, finance and administration services may be provided centrally to other business areas.
Applying of the Pressure Grouting Techniques for the Abutting Buildings Extension in Soft Soil Areas
In his living in the border areas, he works to achieve his lifetime achievements in poetry the peak.
The community was divided into several sub-areas to manage security, which has achieved good results.
This applies to many areas in product management, most notably in addressing requests from customers.
在问题刚暴露的时候, 诱因一般深藏不露, 有很多的可能性。
Negative Influence of the Absence of Parental Rearing among Middle School Students Left in Rural Areas
The Pan Gulf Cooperation should address how countries could cooperate with one another in these areas.
The ninth house is where we feel a sense of adventure and delve into new areas in an enthusiastic way.
A study on the adaptability of local caves for the storage of fruits in main growing areas in North China
Major Elements and Sr Isotopes of the Dissolved Loads in the Yangtze River Estuary and its Adjacent Areas
Developing Adult Education in the Rural Areas for a Speedy Change of Economic Growth Pattern of Agriculture
Improvements in financial regulation and supervision, especially in areas of capital adequacy, are necessary.
Most of the abandoned projects are located in the urban areas, with Klang and Shah Alam on the top of the list.
Since1997 our country has gone through seven big adjustment of railway plans and speed in major areas of China.
The reform in the rural areas has proved highly successful.; Very good results have been achieved in rural reform.
The effect of producing areas on the accumulation of the components in Dioscorea opposita Thunb. in the growth stage
Traditional acupuncture, as now practiced, involves the insertion of stainless steel needles into various body areas.
The cause of sporadic goitre, which occurs in areas where iodine intake is more than adequate, remains a mystery.
The virtual displacement method specifies that the sum of the shaded areas is equal to the sum of the stippled areas.
National autonomous areas adjoining foreign countries may develop border trade with the approval of the State Council.
与外国接壤的民族自治地方经国务院批准, 开展边境贸易。
passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores
Owners of the right to the use of sea areas are obligated to protect and rationally utilize the sea areas in accordance with law.
It is very necessary for the country to support old liberation areas, minority areas, frontier areas, and poverty stricken areas through favorable policies.
In carrying it out, we will curtail some of our construction projects, making adequate cutbacks in certain areas while striving for continued growth in others.
这次调整, 在某些方面要后退, 而且要退够。
Many areas have been swept by floods this year; in order to make sure that people in these areas lead a normal life, cadres from all sectors have taken measures to ensure the supply of materials.

单词 Areas 释义

  • 单词释义:地区,区域(area 的复数形式);面积;领域  [更多..]



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