单词 undercooked 例句大全,用单词undercooked造句:

This beef is still undercooked. Boil it for ten more minutes.
这牛肉还没有熟透呢, 再多煮十分钟吧。
The cookies need to go back into the oven for a few minutes because they're still undercooked.
这些曲奇饼得放回烤炉再烤几分钟, 因为火候不够。
The chicken wings need to go back into the oven for a few minutes because they're still undercooked.
Dropped $40 for a steak that was as tough as leather and undercooked. At least my date enjoyed her pasta.

单词 undercooked 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.煮得欠熟的,煎(或烤、炸) 得火候不足的  [更多..]



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