单词 unfortunate 例句大全,用单词unfortunate造句:

We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations.
我们相信, 这一不幸的错误并不会影响我们的未来关系。
Those that have the Lumninaries unfortunate in Angles will be apt to commit suicide.
A man without an education is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived.
It is this use of technology that has been given the unfortunate dark pool appellation.
This is unfortunate, as the purpose of a definition is to clarify the meaning of terms.
Therefore, even in these unfortunate circumstances, she still should birth to the child.
所以在这种不幸的情况下, 还是应该将孩子生下, 而不堕胎。
This is an unfortunate name, because they are not cilia but long protoplasmic extensions.
Apart from this unfortunate incident, I find the entire concept of power theft interesting.
撇开这个不幸事件不谈, 我觉得偷电这个问题很有意思。
We tender you our sincere thanks for the generous treatment of us in this unfortunate affair.
在此不幸的事件中, 您对我们慷慨地帮助, 谨致以诚恳的感谢。
Its sad, and unfortunate, that the administration appears to have lost sight of that truth.
There are many more, albeit syntactically correct, unfortunate ways to arrange the information.
She was apparently one of those unfortunate persons with whom nothing by any chance goes right.
很明显, 她是那种不管和谁在一起都会倒霉的人。
Human's life is the unfortunate life, makes merry while one can, lets me embark from the heart!
人的一生是不幸的一生, 及时行乐, 让我从心出发吧!
The princesses all snickered to one another about the unfortunate fate of the brave young soldier.
对于这位年轻勇士的厄运, 公主们彼此窃笑着。
It was during this campaign that the unfortunate'slapping incident involving General Patton took place.
He made the unfortunate mistake of promising he would quit if the budget deficit was still out of control.
The impoverished family circumstances, the unfortunate destiny have cast Wang Xiaofu's strong disposition.
A burst of laughter from the whole band of scholars greeted the unfortunate name of the hapless Court furrier.
This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water.
ELAINE I dont know. I cant think of any solution, unless of course they should meet with some unfortunate accident.
依莲不知道, 想不出啥办法, 除非它们会突遭飞来横祸。
Although its unfortunate that the intellectual heritage of humanity is being forgotten we can use this to our benefit.
The experiment is one of several to squash one of the many myths concerning the unfortunate art of mosquito attraction.
Another sister was also in an unfortunate condition, having to raise her children on her own and suffering from several chronic diseases.
Anacondas eat virtually anything unfortunate enough to get caught in their grip, including other snakes, fish, deer, and even small jaguars.
There are too many neurologic diseases which are collapsed into alcoholism, ' he says. ' This is unfortunate, unscientific and unfair to a patient and their family. '

单词 unfortunate 释义

  • 单词释义:不幸的;不恰当的;穷困潦倒的  [更多..]



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