单词 uniform 例句大全,用单词uniform造句:

For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
Improve the registration card filling and accounts in regard to uniform and welfare articles.
It also has the advantages of a smooth road, easy operation, marking uniform, linear aesthetic.
Uniform linear array and uniform circular array which are often used, are analyzed and compared.
For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
The Four Basic Problems in the Establishment of the National Uniform Accounting Caculation System
The double action pressing formation is adopted so as to make compactness of brick biscuit uniform.
采用双向压制成型, 可使砖坯密实性均匀
The powders are uniform in size, but there are partially hard particle agglomerates in the powders.
煅烧后粉体尺寸均匀, 但部分颗粒间存在硬团聚。
The requirement by any law, administrative regulation, or national uniform accounting system changes.
Any damage to the uniform as a result of employee negligence will be charged to the employee accordingly.
如因疏忽而使制服有所损坏, 员工要对此赔偿费用。
The operation is simple, safe, the packaging is solid uniform, the packaging paper distance is adjustable.
Discussion of Analytical Solution of the Infinite Beams on Winkle Foundation under Uniform Distributed Load
On acceleration algorithm of convex hull based on planar point set with either uniform or normal distribution
Joint angle and delay estimation based on uniform circular array in CDMA system with aperiodic spreading code
Results In both tasks, uniform activation in piriform cortex and secondary olfactory cortexes was determined.
Analogy on the Influence of a Charged Conducting Ball in a Uniform Electric Field on the Potential Distribution
A new mutual coupling calibration algorithm is presented to estimate the mutual coupling of uniform circular array.
Article 1 The power selling price shall be set by the government under uniform policies and gradation administration.
The confiscated alcoholic drinks and articles shall be turned over to the Competent Authorities for uniform disposal.
Superimposed earth pressure acting on the retaining wall under the effect of verical uniform load in the internal earth
To establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States
The generator is mainly used for the accurate measurement of the channelwidth uniform of a multichannel pulse amplitude analyzer.
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the efforts accomplished by the Working Group in its preparation of the uniform rules.
The uniform speed ring flowmeter has high accuracy, large output differential pressure, uneasy plugging and insensitive current direction.
准确度高, 输出压差大, 不易堵塞, 对流向不敏感。
The abrasive brushes surround the fabric so that it is easy to achieve a perfectly uniform sueding effect on the entire circumference of the tube.

单词 uniform 释义



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