单词 ventral 例句大全,用单词ventral造句:

Clinicopathological characteristics of ductal adenocarcinomas arising from the ventral and dorsal pancreas
Transient Compensatory Hypertrophy and Limited Regeneration of the Surgically Removed Rat Ventral Prostate
Electrophysiological and morphological properties of the ventral neurons in medial geniculate body in rats.
A spinal cord injury model by compression from ventral aspect with water balloon and histopathological study
The ventral and dorsal roots later join to form paired spinal nerves, one on each side of the spinal cord.
The unusual embryological development of the ventral splanchnic arteries can lead to considerable variations.
The nervous system has cerebral ganglia which are linked to a double ventral nerve cord by a connecting ring.
Report on the Operation of Nephropyelithotomy through Ventral Incision at the Short Anterior Labium Renel Hilum
When a ventral hernia occurs, it usually arises in the abdominal wall where a previous surgical incision was made.
Hilum locates at the bottom, near ventral surface of seed, or at the bottom of seed, ovate or elliptic, depressed.
种脐位于基端偏向腹部一侧或位于基端, 卵形或椭圆形, 下凹
The tail of the cercariae had three ciliated papillae on its ventral surface, and over forty long spines on its tip.
The ultrastructure of the ventral scales of Trimeresurus stejnegeri was observed by means of atomic force microscopy.
Objective Summarize the characteristics and optimum surgical therapies of ventral digital scar contracture of infant.
The nutrient arteries of the lateral part of the sacrum enter the bone through its ventral, dorsal and medial aspects.
The right anterosuperior lobe was divided into the ventral and dorsal segments by the vertical intersegmental fissure.
The main arch of the main hole and both sides of the ventral arch of the holes are formed side by side 20 Redstone arch.
Study on contents of serum and CSF amino acids in the Guinea pig immunized by bovine spinal cord ventral horn homogenate
The Differentiation of the Neural Stem Cells Transplanted into Ventral Horn of Spinal Cord after Brachial Plexus Avulsion
This fact shows that some ventral root cells might give their central processes to enter the spinal cord via dorsal roots.
Conclusion Rises positive to benefit the stomach soup to gather the ventral massage treatment stomach sagging to be possible to
The Relationgships of Fat Concentrations in Blood with Ventral Fat Rate, Intramuscular Fat Rate and Hepatic Fat Rate In Fan Duck
Enzymic Changes of Motorneuron in Ventral Horn of the Spinal Cord Caused by Continuous Compression on Spinal Nerve Root of Rabbits
Each side of the spinal cord gray matter, the dorsal horn, and ventral horn are notablely developed, but lateral horn is undeveloped.
The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis, thalamus, the place around cerebral aqueduct, and ventral midbrain.
The results indicate that transverse section of stem is mutirhomboidal, the cuticulas of cuticle and ventral are thicker in Barbula asperifolia Mitt.
叶背, 腹面角质层厚, 粗疣不分叉, 但顶端朝细胞凹陷处倾斜

单词 ventral 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.[解]腹的,腹部的,腹侧的n.腹鳍  [更多..]



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