单词 vertu 例句大全,用单词vertu造句:

Vertumnus used this ability in his avid pursuit of the goddess Pomona.
Absorption Spectra of 3Overtune Bands of UF6.
衷庆华, 张健, 吴念乐等。
To a tree whose branches are abundant, and its roots scantyand the wind comes, and uproots it, and overturns it.
We cannot overturn the whole scheme to accommodate the buzzard.
The buzzard must get along the best it can with what is provided. We cannot overturn the whole scheme to accommodate the buzzard.
天啊, 我们总不能为了一只秃鹰, 就把宇宙的定律扭转过来吧?
The conviction was overturned at last and an acquittal entered.
译判决最终被推翻, 结果是无罪释放。
with Overture, it can take a few hours to a few days to have your ads approved and displayed.
An advance or overture made by one person to another.
提议, 建议由一个人为另一人做出的提议或提案
The child views the overture as someone offering an adventure or love.
The bus was affiliated with Harrahs Casino.No word yet on what caused the bus to overturn.
While water can keep a boat afloat, it can also overturn it.
Have the lubricity about the woman and the history that dare not preserve overturning afresh.
factor of safety against overturning
Overture This is the age of star booming, this is the age of youth come to publicity.
引子这是一个造星的时代, 一个英雄少年风起云涌的时代。
I therefore agree never to seek to overturn this pact with an appeal to the God of the Universe.
因此, 我同意从未寻求推翻这个协议与上诉的宇宙的神。
to overture some concessions for the agreement
The referee correctly overturned the decision, however, and the visitors were ahead.
A gust of wind overturned the aircraft and smashed it up.
一阵风把飞机刮翻, 并被撞毁。
The fisherman almost got drowned when his boat was overturned.
当渔夫的船翻覆时, 他几乎被淹死。
Water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.
While water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.
The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera.
序曲圣乐, 歌剧或一幕歌剧的序曲
Overturning or slip resistance analysis
抗倾覆, 滑移验算
He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger.
ResidualMean Solutions for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Its Associated Overturning Circulation.

单词 vertu 释义

  • 单词释义:艺术品或古董,爱好古董者;纬图(诺基亚所成立的全球第一家奢侈手机公司)  [更多..]



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