单词 visionary 例句大全,用单词visionary造句:

The opposition saw the potential of film as a creative, visionary medium.
反对把电影的潜力看作了有创造性的 幻的媒介。
What an inspiration he was to us all and a creative visionary for the world!
A visionary, vision is scary, could start a revolution, pollutin the airwaves.
For sure, there are times when visionary leadership is exactly what is needed.
当然,有时具有预见性的领导能力 是十分必要的。
Many visionary people concur that this is also an act of corruption. Thank you.
很多有识之士认为, 这也是一种腐败行为。
Israel and Humanity should relate to one another on an equally visionary level.
Equally, some employees are great, some managers visionary, some jobs wonderful.
airy theories about socioeconomic improvement visionary schemes for getting rich.
Those of this archetypal nature of Visionary tend to be very gifted clairvoyants.
I want to begin my talk by making a disclaimer I am not a prophet or a visionary.
Hie sunt leones. For the visionary, the Equator is the line of endless ambiguity.
Excess of unhappiness had, as we have remarked, made him in some sort a visionary.
我们已指出过, 过分的痛苦使他成了一个多幻想的人,
Leadership needs to be capable, determined and visionary in its commitment to peace.
领导者必须有能力 拥有决心与愿景 致力于缔造和平
Visionary businesses will not allow this golden opportunity to slip through their fingers.
He had demonstrated to all those obsessed with the tangible the transcendence of visionary.
Under the Visionary Vehicles banner, Bricklin would sell up to 300,000 vehicles per year.
Reporter Renee Poussaint is the executive director of the National Visionary Leadership Project.
Sometimes such humans also take the visionary knowledge of others to enhance their own abilities.
有时候, 这类人也拿走别人的灵视知识来增将自身的能力。
The software architect is the technical driving force behind the project, not a visionary or dreamer.
A visionary Venerable who is also an avid Buddhist music lover, he has coproduced several bestselling albums.
Within companies, cherished perks will disappear and power will ebb from visionary bosses to the chief financial officer.
政府希望法国人逐渐厌烦抗议, 逐渐减少对罢工的支持。

单词 visionary 释义

  • 单词释义:空想的,幻想的;预言性的;有远见的;有智慧的  [更多..]



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