单词 visualize 例句大全,用单词visualize造句:

Used to visualize static occlusion culling at development time in scene view.
Visualize The clearer the better and remember to engage all senses if possible.
One convenient way to visualize the real numbers is by the way of a number line.
Close your eyes and visualize your backbone. Let the backbone be straight, erect.
闭上眼睛, 在心里想著你的脊椎。
During the lessons, being able to visualize words makes them easier to understand.
学习课程时, 能够将单词可视化使得它们更容易理解。
We begin to see, from this material, how to visualize a waveform from its spectrum.
The timings can be used later to visualize the flow and performance of the boot process.
Try to visualize the cake toppers size in proportion to the top layer of your wedding cake.
Negative curvature is a little trickier to visualize. The most common description is a saddle.
I also found the voice of the hypnotist very smooth and comforting and could visualize easily.
It was like casting an archangel as an accountant I couldnt visualize him in any commonplace role.
他就像一个天使一样, 我无法想象他是个平凡的角色。
Operational art requires commanders who can visualize, anticipate, create, and seize opportunities.
The tool allows users to visualize how much development aid is provided and received around the world.
Make sure you can visualize all these spheres connected by the white beam of light before you move on.
Computer design cannot replace ones ability to mentally conceive and visualize golf course sculpturing.
If I could just visualize my heart as a place where courage dwelt, instead of panic, I would be all right.
Visualize that all the four classes of saints and the six realms of sentient beings appear from this blue light.
The nurse handed him the laryngoscope with which to visualize the vocal cords before inserting the breathing tube into the lungs.
护士递给他喉镜, 以便他在插入气管导管前暴露声带。
The human imagination may simply not be sufficiently stretchable to visualize what cars and driving will have come to 25 years from now.
When you have attained this contemplation, visualize each object quite clearly without losing the image, whether your eyes are closed or open.

单词 visualize 释义

  • 单词释义:形成思维图像;设想;使可见  [更多..]



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