单词 vial 例句大全,用单词vial造句:

One dose from a multiuse vial contains about 25 micrograms of mercury.
The distillate would be kept in a glass vessel, a vial.See the next sonnet.
The colour or glass type of the vial under test does not influence the result.
玻璃的颜色, 或在根据测试小瓶类型不影响选举结果。
She checks his pockets, finds a Vial of Blinding Smoke, and tosses it your way.
她搜了他的口袋, 找出一瓶失明烟雾瓶并把它扔给了你。
An operator friendly control interface enables quick and efficient vial changes.
Results the liquid that had soaked vial not influence the bacterial endotoxin test.
creating a field which was weakest and located precisely in the centre of the vial.
Discussion of Granularity of Sodium Bicarbonate Manufactured Vial Natural Soda Process
And if Maltazard drink of the content from the vial, hell crush us all. Dont you get it
如果马塔扎德喝了那药水, 他会把我们捏扁的!
Rapid detection of influenza virus by immunofluorescent staining of shell vial cultures
The seven angels have a golden sash each and one of the plagues in a bowl or vial of wrath.
Conclusion the bacterial enterotoxin test could be used to test bacterial endotoxin in vial.
Unsuccessful, attempts at alchemy will destroy recipe ingredients, but glass vial and flasks will remian.
Confirm carrier gas flow through the column. Immerse the end of the column in a vial of acetone and check bubbles.
A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution
A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.
安瓿小的玻璃容器, 装满后密封, 主要用于贮放皮下注射液
After equilibrium has been established, a predetermined amount of the headspace of the vial is flushed into the gas chromatograph.
在平衡建立以后, 顶空瓶中预定量的样品进入气相色谱仪。
Drinking the Vial of Dragons Blood, Mutare became a sentient dragon. Some wonder if her transformation foretells the coming of the Dragon Father.

单词 vial 释义

  • 单词释义:小瓶;小玻璃瓶;药水瓶;郁积的情绪(如愤怒等)  [更多..]



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