单词 video 例句大全,用单词video造句:

Video assigner is video matching equipment of amusement, telecourse and monitor etc system.
The video reportedly shows Harry while still an officer cadet at Sandhurst military academy.
Accordingly, all of Cuba's teaching establishments have television sets and video recorders.
因此, 古巴所有教学设施都配备了电视机和录像机。
This paper brings out a video content hierarchical description model based on video objects.
Design of Video Processing System on Railway Handcarts and Achievement of the Key Technologies
Open the machine cover, remove the video adapter card, and ensure that its contacts are clean.
The Technology of Video Processing for Analogue Raster Video Systems Used in Airborne Equipment
Some video guy in front of me is actually dancing to the abominable jazz theyre pumping in here.
The management of the bitstream and the parsing of video data are the basis of the video decoder.
A video segmentation algorithm based on accumulated frame differences is proposed from this point.
In other words, the video encoder7001 generates frame depth information7010 and a video stream7011.
Every day after school, Xiaozhang would go to the video game room and play video games for 2 hours.
Prior network video site You were the first to announce the Olympic video CCTV network authorization.
The voice acoustic quality and video laryngostroboscopic data were evaluated before and after surgery.
View Video in detached window. Video will continue to play without restart. Support all video formats.
This paper introduces the design of a video sync separator chip for composite video signals processing.
Dibble seeding kind video website Net of the cruel that be like actor, cruel 6 6 nets, potato net, rooms.
点播类视频网站如优酷网, 酷6网, 土豆网, 六间房等。
She composed herself, and asked me what I wanted to know, and I told her I hoped to talk about the ABC video.
VIDEO BEAUTIFUL GIRLThe. Collection video frequency beautiful woman, the life illuminates, autodyne and so on
搜集视频美女, 生活照, 自拍等
In addition, ad business moves farther with a view to advertisement, video advertisement and gregarious network.
此外, 广告商将进一步着眼于移动广告, 视频广告和社交网络。
The video card allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display device such as a monitor or projector.
Methods of measurement for broadcast video tape recorders. Part 3 electrical measurements for analogue component video signals.
Video signal transmission device, video signal output device, video signal reception device, video signal duplication control system.
Many people believed according to the video recording that Lin Songling according to was not several times bountiful, causes the conflict escalate.
许多人据录像认为, 林松岭数次不依不饶, 导致冲突逐步升级。
I really enjoy cooking these days. I’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s video podcasts and I’ve been learning so much. These recipes and tips are great! Oh, and I love his British accent.

单词 video 释义

  • 单词释义:磁带录像;录像磁带;录像机,电视;(指方法)录像  [更多..]



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