单词 surmount 例句大全,用单词surmount造句:

I believed that, the love is may surmount all barriers. so, I agree to mixed marriage
我相信, 爱情是可以跨越一切障碍的
Breaks in the Rebels and Surmount of UtteranceReview on Han Dongs Behavioral in Verse
The Difficulties in Developing Rural Credit Cooperative and the Means to Surmount Them
We pray strength God gives us difficulties, and we surmount difficulties and be strong
我们祈求力量, 上帝给我们困难去克服, 使我变得强壮
Be like, ding Lei wants portal business to who surmount be hanged in mouth edge rarely.
All parties had agreed on the need to surmount the remaining obstacles to implementation.
Surmount the Listening Obstruction and Improve the StudentsEnglish Listening Comprehension
Possibilities for Confucian Humanistic Spirit to Surmount Modern Man's Alienation Predicament
This is how Determination to win every victory and courage to surmount difficulty was derived.
Electrons from the metal will have to surmount the potential barrier to enter the semiconductor.
Surmount Conventional Narrative ThinkingOne study on the Mao Luns and Mao Zonggangs Narrative Theory
超越传统的叙事观念毛纶, 毛宗岗叙事理论研究之一
Rather than giving up when an obstacle is encountered, entrepreneurs ask, How can we surmount this obstacle.
Drawing lesions form the theory of contract helps to surmount the shortages in the theory of ruling classs will.
Personal biggest redoubtable enemy is an essence.Only surmount continuously, then can make stronger groundwork!
He is also one master sportsman , he always can surmount numerous difficulties although his body state is not ideal.
他是一个很幽默的人, 在他的课上总不缺乏气氛。
In the three hard years from 1959 through 1959, didnt the Party and the people struggle in unity and surmount the difficulties.
To be the pioneer, not the follower, to be inventor, not the towermanis our belief which is driving us continuously to surmount and go forward.
做创造者, 不做守望者。一直激励着我们前进, 超越。

单词 surmount 释义

  • 单词释义:战胜,克服;登上,攀登;居于…之上;顶上覆盖着  [更多..]



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