单词 surname 例句大全,用单词surname造句:

Has been the only Republican candidate with a surname longer than one syllable.
used formerly as a courtesy title before the surname of a man not of noble birth
The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order by surname.
The ancient Roman women had a forename, or a Christian name besides their surname.
This account has NO BENEFICIARY attached to it and it bears the same surname as you.
此帐户没有收款人重视, 它承担着相同的姓氏你。
Oddness, this kind of circumstance, with what kid want to follow your surname
If the change is on surname, agents should contact Abacus Helpdesk to make the change.
若需更改乘客姓氏, 则可联络我们的支援部协助更改。
Elder brother's wife of my cousin, watch is a surname, also do not pass quite happily.
Jackie Chan's ancestral surname room, Jackie Chan's father was given the surname Chen.
Qiao son a cloud surname greatly moves to move, hears bellow to resound through horizon.
Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
Greeting with Iranian, you need to address their surname with their academic or job title.
So it was left up to the mother to identify the father and thereby give the child a surname.
And Xuan, the surname from her fathers ancestral village, is a rare character not commonly used.
她的父姓禤是个很少见的字, 不常用到。
She pins internal heat constrainedly, twist a head to ask again advocate the surname of book wife.
她勉强压住火气, 又扭头问主簿老婆的姓氏。
A Brief Analysis on the Marriage System of Women marry with her Nephew of the same Surname of Qidan
Although the good surname is unusually hard, Adidas JS Wings, but somehow the kid has no what problem.
And the first word is a member of the same clan surname, after the end of the word can be the finishing touch.
而且头一字是本家的姓, 末后一字堪称画龙点睛。
Can't be a so fierce and ruddy good Tong surname almond wall to call four the elder brother took a cuckold husband?
As to the surname of Huang who regard Huangxiang as their ancestor, it is just a historical and cultural phenomenon.
In the northern and southern dynasties, there appeared a surname transformation between the Han and the northern minorities.
Emperor Cheng entrusted the relatives of his mother whose surname was Wang with state political power, which was on the decline.
A persons surname can influence their career, experts claim A persons surname can influence their choice of career, experts believe.
专家认为, 一个人的姓氏会对其职业选择产生影响。
The prosperity of the people with a surname of Lee in Longxi has consanguinity with the development of the ancient Qiang nationality.
Because the clan name of my family is rare, we recognized another family with the same surname to be combined branches of the same clan.

单词 surname 释义

  • 单词释义:姓,姓氏;别名,绰号  [更多..]



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