单词 surf 例句大全,用单词surf造句:

Now, more th an one quarter of all U.S households can surf in cyberspace.
SurF is a lightweight handy Windows tabbed file manager. C and.NET inside.
When the surf booms, I hear the heart of the earth, and the tempo picks up.
Then, we chooses mark a price for 5800 yuan Yakeli surf massages bath crock.
于是, 我们又挑选了一款标价为5800元的亚克力冲浪按摩浴缸。
Many cheap mobile handsets allow users to play video games and surf the net.
Holidaymakers continued to pour down to the coast in search of surf and sun.
Connection Manager, user can surf on the Internet comfortably via this tool.
连接管理器, 用户可以在互联网上冲浪舒适通过此工具。
Offline Browsers Surf the Web even when youre not connected to the Internet!
At the edge of the sand I unwound the elastic bandage and waded into the surf.
在沙滩的边上, 我解下弹性绷带, 涉水踏浪。
Surf lifesavers removed the 60 centimetre shark by hosing it with fresh water.
Edwina and her crew of wallaby's are just as entertaining as the sand and surf.
Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spains Canary Islands.
在西班牙的加那利群岛, 有被海浪冲刷出泡沫似的黑沙滩。
Second, I am very jazzed about trying out my new surf board and riding some waves.
After channel surfing for an hour, Bobby decided to surf the Internet for a while.
在看了一个小时的电视节目后, 鲍比决定上一会儿网。
Its hooves kicked up sand at the surf's edge, scattering white egrets to the wind.
Sediment Trap Experiment in the Beidaihe Surf Zone and Its Preliminary Result Analysis
A considerable amount of spray action can be seen in waterfalls and in windblown surf.
Sometimes, the mountains just stopped, dropping into a void fringed with black sand and surf.
The theory explains the microseisms are originating from surf or other action at steep coasts.
The community structure of fish larvae and juveniles in the surf zone of the Yangtze River estuary
And mark a price surf massages 5800 yuan homebred Yakeli bath crock, actually can be bought 2800 yuan etc.
而标价5800元的国产亚克力冲浪按摩浴缸, 实则2800元即可买到等。
The birds that aren't quite airworthy have to plunk down in the gentle surf where tiger sharks are waiting for them.
All she does is text on her phone and surf the net all day. She gets nothing done. Why haven’t they canned her yet?
Traditional Hawaiian Louvered glass windows allow the sea breeze and ocean surf to fill the room and lull you to sleep.
Now it has become the most favored dating place for a couple of boy and girl who have amative relations to whisper and appreciate the rote of surf.
现在, 这里也成了青年男女耳语, 听涛的好地方。

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