单词 tacit 例句大全,用单词tacit造句:

Several other systems of law give tacit constitutional recognition to the right to a judge.
Experts say that increasing tacit interactions within an enterprise increases productivity.
专家表示, 提高企业内部的隐含交互可以提高工作效率。
With the club from Wuhan, the ball is indeed a tacit agreement to provide a breeding ground.
The flowing and converting of tacit knowledge is the key of enterprise knowledge management.
Language teaching knowledge includes explicit teaching knowledge and tacit teaching knowledge.
Hence, GOD never takes responsibility again and you need to get tacit understanding with fate.
从此, 上帝的肩膀不再承担, 而你需要的是与命运达成默契!
Victory in the battle is the tacit and harmonious cooperation the main and the auxiliary forces.
As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide.
久而久之, 音乐使我们自然流畅地进入不约而同的默契。
Technical discipline is the knowledge of a special form with tacit knowledge as the main element.
术科是一种特殊形态的知识, 其主体成分为缄默知识。
Agreeability to the Zhijiao can not really affiliated done, always will have a tacit understanding.
再投缘的知交也不能真正作到心心相印, 时时都会有默契。
In the tacit approval of the leader of the company, DongCunRui and sa difficult to finish the task.
在连长的默许下, 董存瑞和秀儿困难地完成了任务。
Tacit knowledge is mainly contrast with conventional knowledge, which is called explicit knowledge.
The Differences between Western and Chinese Paintings from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge Theory
Collective projects, to be a tacit understanding with the players, to have communication with each other.
集体项目, 运动员配合要默契, 相互间要有交流。
Tacit knowledge can be used to explain why different entrepreneurs suffer different practical intelligence.
隐性知识水平差异, 可用来解释企业家能力差异的问题。
Third, the author discusses the transformation, transmission and exchange of the tacit knowledge in library.
To feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent.
Cooperation is the common needs of different individuals to complete and is a tacit understanding of the need.
合作是需要不同的个体共同完成的, 而且是需要默契的。
Victory in the battle is owed to the tacit and harmonious cooperation between the main force and the auxiliary forces.
The knowledge integration put emphasis on the tacit knowledge, its method has two kinds Direction and Organizational routines.
知识集成强调默会知识, 其方法有二说明书与组织惯例。
Furthermore, there is responsibility even in the event of consent to, or tacit approval of, the actions of this administration.

单词 tacit 释义

  • 单词释义:缄默的;心照不宣的;<律>由法律的效力而产生的  [更多..]



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