单词 surgeon 例句大全,用单词surgeon造句:

The surgeon must therefore assume that all operative wounds will contain bacteria.
Your surgeon may advise you about means to help your bowel function postoperatively.
Zaixi's arm was cut by broken glass pieces which may affect his career as a surgeon.
再熙的手被玻璃碎片割伤, 也许以后无法再当外科医生。
This Form is to be completed by the Insured Member, Attending Physician and Surgeon.
She had something wrong with her ear and her aural surgeon gave her some aureomycin.
The surgeon inserts special device into the anus so that the haemorrhoids can be seen.
术者将肛门镜插入患者得肛门中, 以便能清楚地看到痔。
The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.
The surgeon sprays the back of your mouth with a local anaesthetic to numb your throat.
Ominous music playing in the background, beads of sweat pouring down the surgeon's face.
The honest young surgeon admitted to taking errors in judgment on more than one occasion.
member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e.g. a chaplain or surgeon
职责在战斗之外但是武装力量的一员, 如牧师或医生
A vascular surgeon performs surgery on the abdominal aorta and on the peripheral arteries.
Member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e. G. A chaplain or surgeon.
职责在战斗之外的武装力量的一员的, 如牧师或医生。
The surgeon immediately bent over the boy, breathed into his mouth, blew into his nostrils.
这个外科医师立刻弯下腰来, 往他得嘴巴和鼻孔吹气。
Arecoline is mostly used to cure infection of animalsparasites on veterinary surgeon clinic.
在兽医临床上, 槟榔碱主要用于治疗动物的绦虫感染。
A member of the armed forces, such as a chaplain or surgeon, whose duties lie outside combat.
A Heuristic Approach for Improving Performance of Neural Network with the Optimal Brain Surgeon
An amount charged for the services of an anesthesiologist, about 18 percent of the surgeon's fee.
An amount charged for the services of an anesthesiologist, about 20 percent of the surgeon's fee.
The surgeon came in and marked my forehead with a large black arrow pointing down at my left eye.
This paper introduces the surgeon backpack and medical corpsman backpack which are newly developed for PLA.
Her head ached where the surgeon had opened it to get at the tumor that had made her face sag and her speech slur.
Now, he is an attending surgeon at the Institute of Neuromedicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University.
Should this occur, it may be necessary for your surgeon to perform abdominal surgery to repair the intestinal tear.
如果撕裂或穿孔发生, 外科医生会做腹部手术来修复。
When I arrived I found that a second speaker had been invited - Dr. Brock, a surgeon who had recently begun to write and had sold some stories to national magazines.

单词 surgeon 释义

  • 单词释义:外科医生;[军]军医  [更多..]



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