单词 tassel 例句大全,用单词tassel造句:

Industry Glass Crafts Lace Embroidery Crafts Tassel crafts Fashion Accessories.
She was also wearing a necklace, tassel earrings, and bracelets for each wrist.
她还戴着项链, 流苏耳环, 和每个手腕手镯。
fez is a brimless felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel hanging from crown.
土耳其毡帽种毡帽, 通常, 帽顶垂根黑穗。
Casing of curtain of lacy, window, tassel, curtain can be discharged completely.
花边, 窗幔, 流苏, 窗帘框可统统免去。
Study on Combining Ability and Hereditary Parameter of Tassel Characters in Maize
Pulling on the white tassel, a white cord extends from the end of the bamboo stick.
Study on The Distribution of Maize Tassel Pollen and The Effective Pollinating Range
玉米花粉量, 散落分布及有效授粉范围研究
They were embellished with silver lace, tacks, and were finished with a silk tassel.
Effects of Low Temperature and Cold Calamity on Empty Grain Rate in Period of Tassel.
Quantitative Analysis of Wormcast Matrix for Culturing of Baby Tassel of Radish Vegetable
Conclusion The tassel saponin istheeffective active part of tassel to reduce blood sugar.
It must affect the development of maize ear and tassel with the changing of planting density.
Single straight sword with sheath and tassel, enchanting price, for beginners and collectors.
单剑带鞘带穗, 价格便宜, 适合初学者和收藏者购买。
Effect of Row Spacing and Plant Acreage and basal Fertilizer on Tassel of Ryegrass and Couch Grass
Of estate overheat alarm dispatch is ceaseless, ought to make early answer, not pluvial silken tassel.
But discuss the still not comparatively systematic boundary work review to Yang Hong tassel at present.
YAXIYA is an strong home textile enterprise with the main products of tassel, fringe, bullion, cord, tieback, etc.YAXIYA has been dedicated to p

单词 tassel 释义

  • 单词释义:穗;流苏状物;(植物的)穗;玉蜀黍的穗状雄花  [更多..]



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