单词 tango 例句大全,用单词tango造句:

One of the most important aspects of learning tango is practicing on your own.
Tango will continue to capture the imagination of humans throughout the world.
In cuba, the tango was influenced by the local Cuban dance, called the havana.
在古巴, 探戈受了一种称为哈瓦那舞的古巴地方舞蹈的影响。
Well, now the band has changed to one I seem to know, called tango, am I right?
The first time I went tango dancing I was too intimidated get out on the floor.
The tango pack has another advantage ease of unpacking is match by ease of repacking.
这种包装的另一优点在于, 重新包装同拆卸一样易如反掌。
In other words, when airing a quilt, you have to be more accurate than dancing a tango.
Tango movements are like a vocabulary that we use to communicate and show our feelings.
There are actually three tango dances each with its own music in Argentine social dance.
阿根廷交际舞中实际上有三种探戈, 每一种都有各自的音乐。
The tango, in its sophisticated European form, became popular in England and in t he USA.
We're also doing another tango, dance because Matt's supposed to be really good at dancing.
我们也会跳一曲探戈, 因为纳威被设定为舞跳得很好。
Biopsy and noninvasive methods for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis does it take two to tango
But at the beginning of this century, the tango was refined, so that it lost its erotic features.
然而, 在20世纪初期, 探戈舞已经过改编因此去掉了色情部分。
Clapping rhythms for four count flamenco dance steps can be used on dances like the tango and rumba.
His participation and collaboration is frequently request in the must outstanding International events related to Tango.

单词 tango 释义



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