单词 taint 例句大全,用单词taint造句:

Indeed, it is rare to find one who is entirely free from all taint of selfseeking.
又因为少有人能完全自由, 不被自爱的污情扰乱的。
You turn the one decent thing in your life and you taint it, strip it of all meaning.
The episode did little to taint Mr. Jobss standing in the business and technology world.
Consider, cant the mentally dense of strange this time taint with her to compromise her dirtily.
Normalizing dirty work managerial tactics for countering occupational taint By Ashforth, Blake E.
Of course, Indian officials are worried that counterfeiting will taint its pharmaceuticals industry.
A worse taint than these is Ignorance, the greatest taint. Abandoning this taint be taintless, O bhikkhus!
此等诸垢中, 无明垢为最, 汝当除此垢, 成无垢比丘!
RESULTS All 31 cases cases underwent lateral rhinotomy did not have epiphora and lacrimal passage taint after operation.
That was probably helped along by firesale deals, which might weigh more heavily in consumers minds than the taint of bankruptcy.
任何证券, 只要跟次级债沾一点边, 定价就会遭到怀疑。
This wine is produced with early enjoyment in mind and has been bottled under screwcap to eliminate cork taint and ensure a perfect seal.

单词 taint 释义

  • 单词释义:污点,污名;<废〉气味;传染,腐败  [更多..]



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