单词 tempo 例句大全,用单词tempo造句:

Since then, the Changchun team to continue to control the pitch of the game tempo.
Edging up the tempo of the music will also encourage you to train at a faster rate.
Our project must at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isnt it?
这个筹划必需绝快举行。一个月得时光应当够了 吧
To speed up the tempo of the current reform drive in search of new development Chances
Ouick decision refers to the tempo of an offensive, and exterior lines refer to its scope.
Our project must proceed a reasonably quick tempo.Surely one month is ample time, isn't it?
这个计划必须尽快实施。一个月得时间应该够了 吧
Then, we were setting up the match to control the tempo and force Cagliari to open up more.
My album contains not only soft and comfortable ballads but also dynamic medium tempo songs.
Our project must proceed a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isn't it?
Our project must proceedat a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isn't it
这个计画必须尽速进行。一个月得时间应该够了 吧
Mr Zakarias writing is clear and strong, though at times the tempo can be a little too brisk.
扎卡里亚先生的文字清晰有力, 只是有时节奏有点快。
We are glad to see that a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo.
我们很高兴地看到, 近年来世界各地血汉语者与日俱增。
Reasonable control of credit supply tempo tangible results obtained from structural adjustment.
And when we have done that we shall develop a tempo of which we dare not even dream at present.
只要做到这点, 我们就能跨出现在做梦都不敢想象的步伐。
An added benefit of these tempo runs is that the marathon pace feels easier and more manageable.
All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly raised.
Our project ought to proceed at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is ample time, isnt it
So the approval and steering cycle has to be in the same cyclical tempo as the projects underneath.
The tempo of commerce was set by the restricted speed and infrequent arrivals of the sailing ships.
To advance or develop at a particular rate or tempo a thriller that was paced at a breathtaking speed.
训练马溜蹄训练的一种特殊步法, 尤其是步态。
Accessing cues a. Visual high shallow breathing, squiting eys, voice higher pitch and faster tempo.
Annual per capita consumption is calculated at current prices, tempo is calculated at comparable prices.
An illustration of the tempo of the Battle of the Atlantic in 1941 is afforded by the meetings of this committee.
in a slow tempo,usually considered to be slower than andante but faster than larghetto,used chiefly as a direction.
For Ravel, I dont think I can feel a picture from the melody.But Luckily, when I was reading The Solitary Reaper , the music was appearing, Tempo di Bolero moderato assai.
因为是拉威尔, 我不打算能从音乐里听出什么画面。

单词 tempo 释义

  • 单词释义:[乐]速度,拍子;(运动或活动的)速度,进度;(下棋的)一着,一步  [更多..]



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