单词 temptress 例句大全,用单词temptress造句:

Beauty is not wide, door window bamboo canopy, the Temptress Moon also extravagance.
美景不在阔, 而居篷窗竹屋之下, 风月亦奢。
Brand New Ed Hardy Women's Temptress Skull Black Watch!
She stood before the man as a temptress.
她站在那个男人面前, 像个妖妇。
Succubus Temptress Shooter, Ranged Retaliate, Immune to Hypnotize , Seduce.
诱姬射手, 远程反击, 蛊惑免疫, 引诱。

单词 temptress 释义

  • 单词释义:n.诱惑男人的女性  [更多..]



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