单词 teacher 例句大全,用单词teacher造句:

Vincent interrupted his teacher's explanation twice, which made the teacher unhappy.
Vincent interrupted his teacher's explanation twice, which made the teacher unhappy.
文森特两次打断了老师的讲解, 这让老师很不高兴。
Teacher is the gardening teacher, nurtures surely seedling to grow healthy and strong.
I look up and have a look the teacher, but the teacher on the sly nods his head at me.
This are George, and next you will take over a class for an absent teacher to him week.
Teacher also hoped I can read the abundant period sharpens own spoken language ability.
His teacher found him a very good pupil. He was found a very good pupil by his teacher.
The teacher has called to know if the students who absent for the week any difficulties.
When we advocated teacher and student equality time, was doomed not to be equal to teacher!
当我们提倡师生平等的时候, 就注定了对老师的不平等!
Teacher Wang has no time, then, it will be a nice alternative that teacher Ding will teach.
王老师没空, 那麽, 丁老师教也好。
Cool old teacher not say vulgar mouth, teacher way highly respectable speech, do person watch.
They will abide by this code, be worthy of the name of teacher, and be modeled by their students.
A man who is able to review past knowledge and acquire new knowledge is qualified to be a teacher.
But once, a student let teacher be mad, teacher then scolded him as the wall which the dung stuck.
但有一次, 一个学生让老师气极了, 老师便骂他是大粪糊的墙。
The Foreign Teacher shall be entitled to the following holidays with pay during each academic year.
lt was Mr. Keatings blatant abuse of his position as teacher that led directly to Neil Perrys death.
The teacher required an excuse from every pupil, without exception, who had been absent the previous day.
Teacher of School of run by the local people and fair education does school teacher have same legal place?
And he attached himself to that Christian teacher, and that teacher introduced him to the philosophy of Christianity.
他跟随这个基督老师, 老师就把他带进了基督哲学领域。
In today's biology class, teacher caught a snapping beetle and it seemed that it was really kowtowing in the teacher's palm.
Instruction would be given by the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theories.
Big one, big 0 attend social practice campaign, have done to take over the class for an absent teacher teacher with family education.
Before beginning class, students must stand up and say hello to the teacher, and can not take their seats until the teacher returns their greeting.
English has an absolutely, unspeakably awful spelling system, said Bell, a former English teacher and author of the book Understanding English Spelling.
It is absurd that a person would choose a teacher for his son out of his love for him, and yet refuse to learn from the teacher himself, thinking it a disgrace to do so.

单词 teacher 释义

  • 单词释义:教师,教员,老师,先生;[航]教练机  [更多..]



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