单词 team 例句大全,用单词team造句:

The host team and the guest team won each of the games,so they were even with each other.
Team administrators are provided with an interface for getting offline tasks for the team.
Definite team leader's responsibility, right and benefit to carry out work team competence
Assistant manager team talk button is now hidden if team does not have an assistant manager.
如果没有助理教练, 助理教理球队训话按钮将隐藏。
A basketball match is going on in the stadium between the Chinese team and the American team.
The coach trains junior varsity team to get into the varsity team's shoes when they graduate.
Any team member who accidentally or intentionally enters the water will fail team from a race.
所有队员不得落水或跳水, 不论是否故意, 违者该场判为失败。
In team competitions,all team shall. consist of at least four But not more than eight members.
He stole the pickaxe from the production team and was therefore criticized by the team leader.
The Chinese volleyball team fought against the American team fierecly, and won the game at 3-2.
Team name and team members names, date of birth and category entered, for the TUMBLING RUN race.
Works together with designers in a product development project team with the documentation team.
They were proud to belong to such a fine team. They were proud that they belonged to a fine team.
Establish project team, coordinate project task between team members, control whole project status.
We rooted loudly, but our team still lost. We cheered and applauded loudly, but our team still lost.
我们大声地欢呼击掌, 但是我们参赛得队伍还是输了。
Third, standardize team, build models, to promote safety and quality standard compliance team.
Any change that concerns the whole team should be discussed by all team members before it is realized.
An action lodged by a team when it considers that another team or competitor has transgressed the rules.
Team member locker rooms should be located as near as is reasonably practical to the team member entrance.
Works together with designers in a product development project team and together with the documentation team.
The epicycle Team Shanxi main floor has defeated Team Dalian, reduced with the Team Luneng integral disparity.
A brief analysis on the team construction and management of basic team of preventing and curing schistosomiasis
Members in team relay events must belong to the same division. Each team may nominate a maximum of 4 participants.
Their performance in the Catering Team determines whether an addict could be promoted to the next level, a member of the Administration Team.
在厨房组的工作态度, 决定该居民是否能被升任事务组组员。
Comparative Study on the Offensive and Defensive Techiques and Tactics between the Chinese Women Football Team and the United States Women Football Team

单词 team 释义

  • 单词释义:队,组;团队;工作组;(野鸭等)群,同胎仔  [更多..]



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