单词 tattoo 例句大全,用单词tattoo造句:

The capsules are small enough to be injected into the skin to make the tattoo.
On the Aart of Tattoo of Baiyue and Its Descendent Ethnic in the Ancient Times
When he gets angry, he beats the devil's tattoo on his desk instead of shouting.
Tattoo artists and veterinarians also could insert the chips into people, he said.
文身艺术家和兽医也能在体内植入薪片, 他说道。
Andrew a flick knife, and a death's head tattoo. He's great in a fight, our Andrew.
安得鲁有把弹簧刀, 身上文着骷髅头, 打起架来很凶。
There is a spider web tattoo on one of his hands in which he is concealing a blade.
The Inquisition and Consideration about the Tattoo Phenomenon of the Drug Abuse Crowd
A necklace, pendant, key chain or tattoo promises the same good fortune of the ancients.
Jiangsu reporter linked to the sale of a special tattoo machine companies of fish carving.
Incidentally, this is the teenagers first tattoo ever, covering most of his lower right arm.
An ink suitable for tattoo, its preparing process, and its application method are disclosed.
Objective To explore the effect and adaptation of laser therapy of injured tattoo on cadaver.
Ancient Yue people think of themselves as dragon seeds so continuously tattoo to like Dragon.
古越也以为自己是龙种, 故断发纹身, 以像龙子。
Do not drink alcohol or take illegal drugs for pain relief purposes prior to your tattoo sessions.
He had a tattoo on his face which branded him as a criminal, so he dared not contradict the court.
David Beckham has had an unsightly 0ftlong tattoo etched over the entire surface of his right arm.
The author discovered head tattoo and red tattoo in her fieldwork, both of which are rare phenomena.
From laser hair removal equipment to tattoo removal lasers, discover the power of Palomar's technology.
激光脱毛设备, 激光去除纹身, 发现的力量, 在技术。
Currently, there are various treatments of traumatic tattoo, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Reportedly a tattoo on the back embroidered flowers Kam Yan Qing is the community as the undefeated general.
Then he takes the tracing of the devil tattoo, places it before the lamp and the image projects onto the wall.
然后他拿出那张恶魔纹身的素描, 放在灯前, 图像投射在墙上。
Please come back to the tattoo studios for a check in a week's time to see whether the color complement is needed.
I wonder as I stand before a nondescript storefront, formerly a tattoo parlor, in the tiny borough of Youngwood, Pa.
我站在一幢难以形容的临街店铺前, 心里甚感狐疑。
the ink which make of powder, the granule is bigger, the covering capacity is more powerful, so it is suitable to be tattoo restored.
A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin.

单词 tattoo 释义

  • 单词释义:文身;归营鼓;夜间野外军事演习;连续有节奏的敲击声  [更多..]



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