单词 tax 例句大全,用单词tax造句:

If the tax rate remains constant while the tax base varies in size, the tax is said to be proportional.
Insist on Scientific Concept of Development and Perfect the Adjustment between Central Tax and Local Tax
Any adjustments to the Consumption Tax taxable items, tax rates shall be determined by the State Council.
I have received a mail from Fengxian Administration of Tax on the levying of education supplementary tax.
本人收到奉贤税务局邮件, 关于征收教育费附加税事务。
The agriculture farm tax and excise tax was still heavy, aggravating the burden of the farmer consumedly.
农业赋税繁重, 大大加重了农民的负担。
The poll tax, a tax of the same amount from each person, made the masses suffer untold misery and hardship.
Responsible for the preparation of all tax schedules to be forwarded to accounting form for tax computation.
The capitation of the two Han dynasties was divided into three kinds of adult tax, unadult tax and quitrent.
The company will have to pay the dividend tax on the amount of dividend declared at the applicable tax rate.
You can acquire electronic tax reserve certificates into your Tax Reserve Certificate account for tax payment.
Specifically, land acquisition tax can establish the deed tax, inheritance and gift tax of two types of taxes.
Adjust tax rate of the resources tax, make sure the preference item of tax revenue from the petroleum resources.
Every year, this enterprise hands in its tax before the tax authorities go to collect it, it is a model tax-payer.
The competent tax authorities shall strengthen their management on the business accounting of tax deduction ledgers.
A voter asks if he supports the Fair Tax, a plan to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
一选民问他是否支持交易税时, 他说支持。
New tax system perfects individual income tax collection and administration thinking and suggestion under the pattern
Enlightments to the Reconstruction of Tax System in China's Rural Area from Chen Yun's Thought about Agriculture Tax.
Lower tax rates and a simpler consumption tax base would also reduce wasteful tax evasion and tax avoidance behavior.
Value added tax and business tax are to be on the move duty, income tax is the tax that imposes according to earning.
Circular of the State Council Concerning Enforcing Tax Administration and Strictly Curbing Tax Exemption and Reduction
A tax computation function will instantly estimate taxpayers salaries tax payable according to the tax return data submitted.
Amount of deductions the contract amount on which withholding tax is not chargeable according to the provisions of the tax law.
Move forward and manage the tax in accordance with the law actively, in order to contain the malignant tax revenue competition effectively.
The tax authorities shall pay a handling fee to withholding agents for withholding or collecting tax in accordance with the relevant provisions.
In handling tax reductions or exemptions, all tax authorities at various levels shall implement laws and regulations impartially, and may not abuse their authority for selfish benefits.

单词 tax 释义

  • 单词释义:n.税,税款,税金;vt.对...征税,使负重担,指控,责备  [更多..]



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