单词 taxpayer 例句大全,用单词taxpayer造句:

The new law of the tax levy and administration has strengthened the view to serve the taxpayer.
national tax revenue receives the harm because the taxpayer is negligent to exercise the right.
Shandong high density Longhai board Co., the private enterprise system for the general taxpayer.
The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
The Commissioner will transmit the determination together with reasons in writing to the taxpayer.
If the actual land user is not decided yet, the applicant for using the land should be the taxpayer.
Taxpayer How do we determine the taxable income if the transfer does not conduct in form of currency
The Administration is now doing this, but three questions are raised Was it a fair deal to the taxpayer
现行的政策正在这么做, 但仍有疑问这对纳税人公平吗?
Taxpayer I have a question to consult with you. Is the subsidy subject to personal income tax as salary
Taxpayer it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset
Evade taxes is to show taxpayer uses deceit, hide the action that waits for a method to escape pay taxes.
For taxable consumer goods commissioned for processing, it meansthe amount of goods the taxpayer recovers.
If a taxpayer is supporting an illegitimate daughter.Can he she claim an allowance in respect of this daughter?
The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture.
if the taxpayer fails to provide guarantee, the Customs may take the tax preservative measures according to law.
Where a taxpayer is not under any of the above circumstances, its payable amount of income tax shall be verified.
She will also invite the taxpayer to submit written representation with regard to the proposed additional tax assessment.
These punishments also apply to the taxpayer that report false tax return after receiving administrative penalties twice or more.
Average taxpayer sells value added tax when abolishing thing of second hand packing, should hand in how to sell a duty to calculate?
Dependent A person who relies on someone else for financial support. The taxpayer supporting the dependent is allowed to claim dependency exemptions.
A taxpayer whose enterprise income taxes are collected according to the fixed amount upon assessment is not required to make final settlement and payment.
实行核定定额征收企业所得税的纳税人, 不进行汇算清缴。

单词 taxpayer 释义

  • 单词释义:纳税人,纳税的机构;所收租金只够支付地产税的建筑物  [更多..]



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