单词 telly 例句大全,用单词telly造句:

He spends most evenings just sitting in front of the telly.
I sat in front of the telly, stuffing my face with chocolate.
Your empty bellies on the telly and its you that Im fighting for.
电视上, 我们看到你的肚皮我正是为了你们而奋斗
Talk of the World Cup is everywhere now adverts on telly , everything.
现在, 哪里都在谈论世界杯的事情, 包括电视, 一切。
I used to come home from training, flick the telly on and do my own thing.
They all sat in front of the telly and watched the Icelandic volcano erupting.
If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at sea with popular culture.
When invited to ask questions about telly, children easily come up with a long list!
这一集, 电视迷尽情发问, 惯了沉默的电视也开腔自白。
Are you mine, are you mine Couse I stay here all the time, watchin telly, drinkin wine.
酒会那种样子, 有吃有喝, 人可以自己结堆。
Feels as if being wronged, telly is further puzzled by the fact that his ardent young fans are very ignorant of himself.

单词 telly 释义



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