单词 spice 例句大全,用单词spice造句:

I baked one loaf of carrot nut bread and two loaves of zucchini spice bread.
Come on, don't be shy! It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance.
of psychedelic spice swirling around him, allowing him to bend space and time.
迷幻味道 环绕着他,让他有能力扭曲时间与空间。
Bring forward three kinds of method to analyse monomeric spice using in liquor.
Just one accidental deletion and a couple of hacks added a bit of spice and drama.
A pungent odour, sauce, spice, etc Cardamom has an intense, pungent, sweet flavor.
This spice is used particularly in poultry feed to deepen the colour of egg yolks.
Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed f loral notes abound.
层层叠叠的李子和樱桃的香味, 充满花香并带有一丝辛辣。
Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis.
在古代, 辣椒还被用作防腐剂, 治疗霍乱和支气管炎。
Moderate tannins structure combined with currants fruits, spice, plum and ripe prune.
In Indonesia, I observed the colonial influence of the 17th century Dutch spice trade.
And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense.
又拿香料作香, 拿油点灯, 作膏油。
The Cabernet Sauvignon shows berry and spice nutmeg and subtle vanillin oak characters.
赤霞珠展示了莓果, 肉豆蔻和微妙的橡木香芬特征。
Ancient cultures employ the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis.
在古代, 辣椒还被用作防腐剂, 医治霍乱和支气管炎。
In choosing perfume spice heat resisting, volatility and security should be considered.
We want to buy Saffrons, Spices and Seasonings, Saffron, Spice Saffrons, Saffron, Spice.
我们要采购香料和调味料, 藏红花, 香料。
Long brain, also known as plum film, is a valuable spice and traditional Chinese medicine.
龙脑, 又名梅片, 是名贵的香料和中药。
It presents with a black cherry colour with notes of tobacco, spice and hints of capsicum.
This example shows meaty aromas with peppery spice and black fruit aromas of attractive intensity.
Across the palate, splashes of chocolate and mint combine with hints of rosemary and warmed spice.
Bright and shinning yellow in colour, this wine has an attractive nose of flowers, spice and peaches.
Palate Compact tannins. It tastes of leather, spice, and fruit flavours, with a hint of coffee.
Soft and smooth, this Zinfandel offers aromas of plum and cherry with just a hint of pepper and spice.
Enter a computer program called SPICE, developed at the University of California, Berkeley, in the 1970s.
SPICE allowed engineers to analyze their electronic circuits and predict, more or less accurately, how they would work before they were actually built.

单词 spice 释义

  • 单词释义:香料,调味品;香气,香味;趣味,情趣;少许  [更多..]



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