单词 sporadic 例句大全,用单词sporadic造句:

On the other hand there are some commercial housing overstocked and development projects sporadic.
People filled the park by the hundreds and took refuge from sporadic drizzle under dark umbrellas.
天空下着零星小雨, 数百人打着黑色雨伞挤满了整个公园。
The water supply was sporadic, there were possums living in the basement, the grass was taller than I was.
The quantity of gymnospermous pollen is not high, and the ptetidophyte spore is sporadic in the assemblage.
Essence of life mounds reach its on face of around mucous membrane, sporadic prostate excretes tubal mouth.
精阜及其附近粘膜面上, 有散在的前列腺排泄管开口。
Retrospective case investigation has revealed that sporadic cases had occurred since the beginning of March.
回溯性病例调查表明, 3月初发生散在病例。
Objective To explore clinical characteristics of sporadic congenital teeth agenesis and analyze its harmness.
摘要目的探讨散发性先天缺牙的临床特征, 分析其危害。
Comparative study of gene mutation between Chinese patients with familial and sporadic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
The cause of sporadic goitre, which occurs in areas where iodine intake is more than adequate, remains a mystery.
Objective To improve the clinical practical diagnosis of sporadic CreutzfeldtJakob disease and decrease the probability of misdiagnosis.

单词 sporadic 释义

  • 单词释义:不定时发生的,时有时无的;零星的,分散的;哩哩啦啦  [更多..]



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