单词 stuart 例句大全,用单词stuart造句:

City manager Stuart Pearce refused to criticise Styles for missing Drogba's infringement.
For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.
作为一种周年纪念礼物, 斯图尔特带我去听歌剧, 我们的
If Mr Geoghegan is to go, the welltravelled Stuart Gulliver has a strong claim on his position.
如果纪勤离任, 见多识广的欧智华将成为绝佳继任人选。
It was in this field that Leighton Stuart made a name for himself that was how he became U. S. ambassador to China.
and around the horses legs quarreled the pack of lean, nervous possum hounds that accompanied Stuart and Brent wherever they went.

单词 stuart 释义

  • 单词释义:n.英国斯图亚特王室  [更多..]



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