单词 stub 例句大全,用单词stub造句:

Under the hood, the stub object implements the same interface as the remote server object.
Manual actuator stems are single lead stub acme threads with one piece duty clip welded on.
From here, please refer to the appropriate stub generator documentation for more information.
Experiment and research on axially loaded high strength concrete filled steel tubular stub columns
Just change the implementation of the stub library, and the calling application can stay the same.
The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencil until they are down to little stub like this.
The stub articles are expected to seed the posting of more detailed information by Wikipedia users.
存根的文章, 预计种子张贴更详细的资料, 由文字的用户。
My left arm is a short stub with a small hand and three fingers reminiscent of a thalidomide defect.
然而幸运的是, 我有一对极好的父母。
Five buildings are all books leave a stub, does not permit the external loan, but may look casually.
五楼是所有书的留底儿, 不允许外借, 但可以随便看。
A little further down the road, Application Developer will want to generate the client stub classes.
His tail had long been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch.
它的尾巴早就没有了, 只剩下一点根部, 还不停地抽搐。
Water Use Efficiency of Reduced Tillage with Strip Loosing and Stub Sowing and Water Nutrient Collecting.
CBRC shall, on the same day as issuing the approval certificate, submit to the Ministry of Commerce the approval certificate stub.
Mounting the reaction chamber in the engine compartment will require running a stub to your pressure gauge where you can watch it.
装置反应室在引擎将需显示您的压力计, 您可以监看它。
Influence of loading conditions on the behavior of lightweight aggregate concrete filled steel tube stub columns under axial compression

单词 stub 释义

  • 单词释义:树桩;铅笔头,烟蒂;票根,存根  [更多..]



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