单词 study 例句大全,用单词study造句:

The Clinical Study and Experimental Study of Sheng Jiang Li Shui Shan on Acute Cerebrovascular Diseases
The study about the higher educational study fruits changing into the higher education production power
Therefore, the study of inheritance system should be nobility the important aspect of aristocracy study.
The study of rhetoric context in film arts constitutes a significant part of the study of film rhetorics.
The present study supported that obesity is a risk factor for colorectal adenoma, the study authors write.
Investigation and Study Mathematical Study Situation of the Junior School Students in Artic Dancing School
However, these researches mainly emphasized in the macroscopic study, defected in the specific case study.
不过, 其中多着眼于宏观性研究, 缺乏对僚佐具体的个案考察。
A Survey of study and application in creative study all over the world is introduced in the article briefly.
Chronic test, Carcinogenicity Study or Chroniccarinogenicity study on rats and mice for drug and pesticide.
Study Design. This experimental study analyzed the movements of the lumbar spine and hip while putting on a sock.
Traditional translation studies usually attach more importance to the product study other than the process study.
Methods The study was a prospective populationbased casereferent study nested within the Northern Sweden Cohorts.
Study Design. A retrospective study of clinical results of operative treatment for degenerative lumbar scoliosis.
On the mechanism exploration of directing the study strategy and changing the study mode for the primary school pupils
On the Dividing Line between the Study of the Different Philosophers and the Study of Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty
Field Observation and Study of the Study of the Stability of Pillar in Strip Extraction of Thick Coal Seam with a Big Dip
From the University Student's Mode of the Privacy Study Behavior to the Attribute Design for the Public Privacy Study Space
Thanks to his excellent performance in both morals and study, he was picked up to go on to further study in the CYL school.
Liver Metastases with Conventional Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Dose Study Comparative Study
Study on relationship between lode rock and orebody prior to mineralization in Wulong Gold Deposit and the meaning of the study
The systematic and whole study of the history of Chinese should embrace the study of the ancient books and the records of Buddhism.
Literature area and other special study areas are set on the upper part of the building to provide sedate and comfortable study environment.
活泼的叫顾盼生辉, 矜特叫稳重大方。
Study on the consistency analysis of digital and analog observation system at geomagnetic station and the preliminary study about affect factors
Combination of Study and Industry, the Connection of Study, Industry, Employment and Pioneering for Exploring the New Approach to Improve the Skills of Vocational Education
While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".

单词 study 释义

  • 单词释义:学习;研究;端详  [更多..]



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