单词 stuffy 例句大全,用单词stuffy造句:

Its so stuffy here. Open the door and let in some fresh air.
这儿真闷, 开开门放进些新鲜空气。
I felt dizzy and found my nose stuffy after I took the tablet.
过一会, 觉得有点鼻塞头晕, 昏昏沉沉地。
Cramped stuffy Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy.
车厢很快就变得拥挤, 闷热。
Stuffy European institutions were not supposed to be as nimble.
I've got acold consequently nose is stuffy and can smell nothing.
我得了重感冒, 鼻子不通, 所以什么也闻不到。
Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy, crowded cabins.
They are a bunch of stuffy aristocrats who are unbelievably wealthy.
First , check your bedroom is not too hot or cold , noisy or stuffy.
第一, 看一看你的卧室是否太暖或太冷?太吵?
It was such a hot and stuffy weather that people were out of breath.
Clusters of grief sounds, like shooting stars, like stuffy thunders.
哀音一串串, 像流星, 像闷雷。
The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.
Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.
Recently, I'm always stuffy inside, just like a pile of cotton crammed.
这两天, 一直觉得胸口闷闷的, 像是塞了棉花。
Stuffy of treadmill exercise Test for patient with in unknown chest pain
I'd appreciate it if you would open the window for me. It is stuffy here.
It will unblock a stuffy nose and can help alleviate asthma and hay fever.
它能够通畅鼻塞, 并能帮助缓解哮喘和花粉症。
For the Old Gentleman was coming across Fourth Avenue toward Stuffy's seat.
Compound Danshen and Yuxingcao Injection in Treating200 Cases of Stuffy Nose
You don't have to be excessive, or be stuffy and proper, but be considerate.
Small feather, for the sake of you I am a dear stuffy in the seminary a week.
aversion to cold with shivering while pores open and stuffy fever while closed
腠理开则洒然寒, 闭则热而闷
I remember that it was a cloudy, stuffy morning at the beginning of the rains.
Decongestants can help unclog a stuffy nose, and expectorants help loosen mucus.
One stuffy day in the summer vacation, mother and I went to climb the Great Wall.
The sky is too stuffy with the head randomly randomly by snow and fallen freezing.

单词 stuffy 释义

  • 单词释义:闷热的,不通气的;古板的,保守的;枯燥无味的;一本正经的  [更多..]



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