单词 stuffy 例句大全,用单词stuffy造句:

A patient usually has a stuffy nose, congestion, some body aches and a growing cough.
You may have stuffy ears and sinus pressure around the eyes, forehead and cheek bones.
The small fox is stuffy to stuffily ask a way, seem maximum of human to all like a boy.
小狐狸闷闷的问道, 好像大部分的人都喜欢男孩。
Pours gastric juice stimulation esophagus which overflows, initiates the chest stuffy pain.
The office was so stuffy that, knowing the Chief was away, the Secretary stripped to the shirt.
Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.
感冒时流鼻涕很常见, 一般而言一周左右会自愈。
All daytime long not is do a word is stuffy in the yard, not terrified seclude with a life time
整天不是练字就是闷在院子里, 不怕与世隔绝吗?
Bomb, one is stuffy to aloud spread, ten thousand blood Jing lotus attach his palm reading collision.
Superb but not extravagant, simple but not stuffy, exquisite but not decadent, splendent but not arrogant.
华而不奢, 简而不乏, 精而不靡, 大气而不张狂。
Clinical observation on allergic rhinitis treated with therapy of ventilating lung and relieving stuffy nose
Mainly treats nasosinusitis, the stuffy nose partner purulent secretion aware nose smelly and so on sickness.
主治鼻窦炎, 鼻塞伴脓性分泌物自觉鼻臭等症。
Ordinary people cannot appreciate the joy of mundane life, that's because they do not love life, they've made their lives banal, stuffy, and humdrum.

单词 stuffy 释义

  • 单词释义:闷热的,不通气的;古板的,保守的;枯燥无味的;一本正经的  [更多..]



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