单词 summons 例句大全,用单词summons造句:

Summons a person to give evidence under oath and to produce documents.
Faustus summons Helen again and exclaims rapturously about her beauty.
Legal Attribute and Mutual Relative Retain, Summons and Issue a Warrant
Chattel Mortgage Public Summons Disadvantages and Their Smoothing Over.
Level 1 Summons 2 Wolf companions for 45 seconds. Each wolf has 400 hp.
一级召唤2只精灵狼, 拥有400点的生命。
Summons is a written notification that one is required to appear in court.
Abbot no option but to dozens of monks summons, so that leaves another point.
Chattel mortgage, has its inner disadvantages in terms of the public summons.
Summons greatly, is the first Lamaism which Huhhot constructs summons the temple.
大召, 是呼和浩特建造的第一座喇嘛教召庙。
No one may detain a suspected offender in the disguised form of consecutive summons.
If the king of hell summons you at the third watch, who dares keep you till the fifth?
One evening I blindly obeyed his summons, and fetched a long circuit through the streets.
一天晚上我盲目地服从他的呼唤, 去街上转了一个大圈子。
A bell that summons worshipers to vespers. Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.
Coercive summons, fines or detention must be approved by the president of the peoples court.
Exploration of Public Summons and Public Credit Right in Rem and the Range of Chattel Mortgage
Neri finished writing in his summons book and gave the driver back his registration and license.
Conjure Quartz Ring Summons a ring that boosts INT and WIS and adds the ability See Invisibility.
This spell summons a gem of life, which someone can use to revive you or a different fallen cleric.
the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.
It was probably the commissary of police who was making the legal summons at the other end of the street.
也许是那警官在街的另一头, 做他的例行劝降工作。
All refused to do so for reasons of confidentiality and have made applications to have the summons withdrawn.
所有方面由于保密原因而拒绝这样做, 并请求撤消这些传令。
EffectThis spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby.
At the time of the filing of the indictment, the prosecutor requested the Court to issue a summons to each defendant.
在起诉存档的同时, 起诉人要求法庭传唤这两个被告。
Feral Spirit Summons 2 Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman, lasting 30 sec. Requires 50 points in Enhancement.
野性灵魂召唤2个幽灵狼, 受萨满控制, 持续30秒, 需要50增强天赋
The Shortcoming of Draft of the People's Republic of China Property Law in Carrying through Principle of Public Summons and Public Trust of Property Law

单词 summons 释义

  • 单词释义:召唤;[法]传唤,传票  [更多..]



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