To thrash the man by yourself is to go beyond the law,even though he may deserve it.
Reviews of mainstream heavy metal albums Thrash, Alternative, Progressive, Power, etc.
The panel was set up in August to thrash out a bipartisan agreement to reduce the deficit.
Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement.
Or thrash out their views of what should be done with such satrapies as Afghanistan and Iraq
You can never thrash out any problem with him, for he follows no logic and only talks drivel.
和他是永远谈不清任何一个问题的, 他没有逻辑, 只会胡扯。
Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount.
The debt talks in Greece were expected to continue into Friday evening to thrash out the fine print of the deal.
希腊债务会谈会在周五晚上继续, 以敲定协议细节。
This is a game where Id love to see us thrash Reading, lets give them the reception they truly deserve, hostile.
They thrash matters out like that, which is a sight more pleasant in my opinion than the atmosphere of an official discussion.
他们那样讨论问题, 我认为比正式讨论的气氛令人愉快得多。