单词 the 例句大全,用单词the造句:

The finer the accuracy required, the greater the number of twists in the braid.
The two forces acting on the bucket are the weight and the tension of the cable.
Is the size of the image in the mirror and the size of the actual object the same?
The absorption of energy near the surface, the more means that the energy of the deep.
The players with the most accumulated points at the end of the contest win the prizes.
Record the value for the Mean of the acceleration of the picket fence in the Data Table.
The perpetration of the crime by the accused was proved to the satisfaction of the court.
I set the parameters of the shader to achieve the best result for the entrance of the cabin.
The bigger the mass or the larger the intended acceleration, the greater the necessary force.
力越大, 加速度越大, 所需的力也越大。
The man who played the sheriff in the movie has been chosen the best actor of the year of 1992.
My grandmother puts the incense coil in the burner outside the hall at the request of the abbot.
Having absorbed the umami flavor from the broth, the corn bread becomes the highlight of the meal.
玉米面包将会吸收肉汤的鲜味, 这是这道菜肴的亮点。
The theory abuses the job power offense and plays suddenly the job guards the fault of the offense
论滥用职权罪, 玩忽职守罪的罪过形式
The arched position of the torso and the absence of limbs highlight the voluptuousness of the form.
The speaker was absent from the meeting, so the chairman rose to the occasion by changing the topic.
The main achievement of the local drama in the Qing Dynasty reflected on the art of the performance.
The liver is the largest gland in the body and is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.
The back surface of the brush is used for removing the absorption and removing the fuzz and the dust.
The less the relative humidity of the wind, the better the absorption capacity of the water vapor is.
The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
The utility model has the advantages of that the simple structure, the accurate ration, the low cost.
The history of the rule of double actionability is the key to the theory of the conflict of tort law.
Take into account the centrality of the present as the actual now in experience, the primacy of the,.
The actor representing the servant took cues from the dialogue of the opera and appeared on the stage.
the lower the firing angle of the converter is, the smaller the voltage aberrance of valve arm will be.
触发角越小, 阀电压畸变越小。

单词 the 释义

  • 单词释义:指已提到的人(物);指说话人与听者已知的人(物);用于独一无二的事物前;与形容词最高级和序数词连用  [更多..]



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