But it is not about changing the constitutional and territorial order of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
These declarations are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends.
Kuril Islands, including the RussoJapanese territorial dispute between the four northern islands.
The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.
Those measures further jeopardize the integrity and the territorial contiguity of the future State.
The People's Republic of China has complete and exclusive sovereignty over its territorial airspace.
There continued to be problems relating to the barracks and territorial border and airspace control.
Draping your briefs over the back of a chair is more of a territorial display than a cleansing rite.
把裤衩搭在椅背上不表示你讲卫生, 只表示你想占个地方。
The Iranian authorities confiscated their passports and expelled them into Iraqi territorial waters.
We affirm the importance of respecting the Sudan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
The spat demonstrates that territorial frictions increasingly flare up as a consequence of economic needs.
此番争执表明, 领土摩擦日益升级源自经济上的需要。
Males are highly territorial and will aggressively guard their land. Females are slightly larger than males.
The registers of monuments of culture are kept by competent agencies, according to the territorial principle.
文化古迹遗址的登记册按属地原则, 由主管机构保管。
Monitoring equipment, including that for airspace and territorial waters, would also be required at that time.
Mutual respect for territorial integrity is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.
A Research for Selecting Baseline Point of the Territorial Sea Based on Technique of the Convex Hull Construction
A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and ireland.
The principle of territorial sovereignty has been highlighted in numerous instruments concerning disaster relief.
The alliance said the international community strongly reaffirms its su ort for the territorial integrity of Georgia.
There are territorial waters and there is territorial airspace, over which the State concerned exercises sovereignty.
The Israeli Air Force continued their air incursions into Lebanon, violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
以色列空军继续侵入黎巴嫩领空, 侵犯其主权和领土完整。
Other criteria, including territorial jurisdiction and the guarantee of justice, should likewise be taken into account.
也应考虑其他标准, 包括属地管辖权和司法保证。
If you go over there, they'll nail you, 'he said, glancing ruefully at a scar on his hand left by the territorial cranes.
The British crew was conducting searches near the demarcation line that separates the territorial waters of Iran and Iraq.
Local conflicts triggered by ethnic or religious contradictions and border or territorial disputes have cropped up from time to time.