单词 themselves 例句大全,用单词themselves造句:

By that I mean that people need time to accustom themselves to new ways of thinking about things.
Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.
Customers may design foundation drawing by themselves in accordance with overall dimension drawing.
Abettors of crime put youngsters up to all sorts of evil while staying in the background themselves.
Because of requisitions, land abandoned and whole families were drowning themselves in village wells.
横征暴敛使土地荒芜, 整家整户得人被迫投井自杀。
Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.
When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
The members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do.
They'd worn themselves out, beating themselves against the window, and, well, they were easy to capture.
它们使出浑身的力气 往窗户上撞 所以它们很容易被捉住
Several witnesses at the trial were clearly prepared to perjure themselves in order to protect the accused.
The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the longrange implications of the journey.
Both parties provide accommodation for exchange students with each other, other expense by students themselves.
两校各方为对方留学生提供住宿, 其他费用自理。
People who have a full awareness of the importance to improve themselves will discover themselves continuously.
And there was no water for the congregation and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron.
会众没有水喝, 就聚集攻击摩西, 亚伦。
Since the cause of the accident wasn't publicized on time, employees kept a great deal of criticism to themselves.
Politicians must accustom themselves to the fact that they will wax and wane in popularity throughout their career.
Those who strive only for themselves also know how to destroy themselves, such are the two extremes of individualism.
为个人努力的也知道怎样毁灭个人, 这是个人主义的两端。
It is not wine that intoxicates people, they intoxicate themselves, neither do women Beguile men, men Beguile themselves
Senate leaders accumulate considerable ideological baggage, which makes it difficult for them to portray themselves as centrists.
The call for the provision of negative security assurances also emanates from the commitments that the nuclear States themselves have accepted.
These small companies often land themselves in deep trouble. Those that are lucky get absorbed by Bigger companies, while the unlucky ones go under.
And the people the men of Israel encouraged themselves, and set their battle again in array in the place where they put themselves in array the first day.
It may be that random collisions between atoms built up macromolecules that could reproduce themselves and assemble themselves into more complicated structures.
Those who display themselves do not illuminate. Those who justify themselves are not distinguished. Those who make claims are not given credit. Those who seek glory are not leaders.
Teachers should not merely dedicate themselves to teaching lessons, but should teach students on how to be an upright person; Students should not merely dedicate themselves to studying but should learn how to conduct their lives.

单词 themselves 释义

  • 单词释义:他[她,它]们自己;他们亲自;“himself”的复数;“herself”的复数  [更多..]



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