单词 text 例句大全,用单词text造句:

To study the language from the level of text contributes revealing the essence of text.
Each line of text is centered, and the entire block of text is centered in the rectangle.
As an exploratory data analysis method, text clustering is very important in text mining.
Please enter the text you want displayed for this hyperlink in the Text box under Display.
Both consist of page images with linked text files, which means that the text is searchable.
这包括网页图像链接文本文件, 这意味着该文本得搜索。
If a bit in the cipher text is mangled, the corresponding bit of plain text will be mangled.
如果密码文本中有一个位出错, 纯文本中相应的位也将出错。
Live contemporary literature text, containing the works of Christian cultural factors abound.
Preview the text. Analyze the structure of the text and find out the main idea for each part.
Annotation text file property is empty. Specify the name of the text file for this annotation.
The procedure can change the content of static text box, background color, text display center.
The theory of text cohesion and coherence is the chief research in the area of text linguistics.
The text found in the database does not need to be identical to the text that needs translation.
Segmentation and text feature representation are two crucial problems in text processing research.
The clause relation and text organization are two basic concepts of understanding the text patterns.
Appear in the text refers to the pronoun for referring to appear after the main text or content with.
指文中出现的代词, 替指后文中出现的主与或内容。
The following code example sets the text box labels to blue italic text by setting properties of the.
The icon is always positioned to the left side of the panels text regardless of how the text is aligned.
The text of Contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the text of Contract and Appendices.
如合同正文与附件有矛盾之处, 合同正文内容优先。
If a single bit of the cipher text block is mangled, the corresponding plain text block will also be mangled.
如果密码文本块中有一个位出错, 相应的纯文本块也将出错。
Once these approaches and techniques are mastered, the original text will recur accurately in the targeted text.
Deciphering of the Relationship Between the New Text School and the Ancient Text School In the View of Hermeneutics
Have you ever looked at the difference between reading white text on a black background and black text on a white background?
Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text.
It is not possible to demote text more than one level from the text in the line above, nor can you demote the top level shape.
Fixed an issue with pasting a large amount of text into an eve mail or chat window, text will now be pasted and if too long truncated.

单词 text 释义

  • 单词释义:文本,原文;课文,教科书;主题;版本  [更多..]



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