单词 through 例句大全,用单词through造句:

As the ship advanced through the water the knots were counted as they passed through a seamans hands.
Reducing access to alcohol through increased taxation and through reductions in sales outlet density.
Running through American history, and therefore through American literature, is a double consciousness.
The main vertical circulation through the building moves through the hollow stem of the large mushroom.
The only thing worse than just going through the motions is just no bothering to go through the motions.
The clinical appliance and research of getting through the passages through which vital energy circulates
The penetration could be through the sides, through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth.
这样的穿刺的可能是从直肠, 阴道, 或口腔刺入。
Absolute Reality is to be realized and proved through diligent practices, not through persistent questionings.
When an electric current passes through the liquid, the crystals align, preventing light from passing through.
A Study on Making Activated Carbon through Adding Additive in Datong Coals and Lower the Ash through Acid Washing
The canister uses a fan to force air through the filter, and then the purified air runs through a hose to the mask.
So he walked through the rain and he walked through the mud Till he came to a place called the bucket of blood Stagger lee
Strive for Further Development through Reform and Innovation Create Profit through Exploiting Potentialities and Reducing Cost
Intense flashes of light would seep out through the serrated indentations of the blade as it cut through undeath without mercy.
open a way by Breaking through Bramble and thistle clear away obstacles in ones way Blaze ones way through all the difficulties
In this experiment the energy response are compared to bulb prefixing through flow pump and bulb postposition through flow pump.
the end of the lower flexible shaft head is connected with a driving key shaft through thread and is bonded through adhesion agent.
They will churn through a 1.5 kilometers swim, cycle through 40 kilometers and finish by pounding their way through a 10 kilometers run.
他们要游1。5公里, 然后骑40公里的自行车, 最后还要跑10公里。
If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia, then the ulcer is said to perforate and leads to an acute abdomen.
the position of the through hole on the stationary ring is completely corresponding to the position of the through hole on the movable ring.
And Andrea, gliding through the court like a black shadow, rushed out through the wicket, leaving his comrades, and even the keeper, lost in wonder.
Although the pace of housing reform is being accelerated, the old method of allocating housing through benefits has still has not been broken through.
A famous cartoon had the cigar-smoking father looking through the nursery window where newborn babies were displayed to fathers through a glass window.
Decision Regarding the Handling of Offenders Undergoing Reform Through Labour and Persons Undergoing Rehabilitation Through Labour Who Escape or Commit New Crimes
Making his way through the tainted crowd, dispersed up and down this hideous scene of action, with the skill of a man accustomed to make his way quietly, the messenger found out the door he sought, and handed in his letter through a trap in it.

单词 through 释义

  • 单词释义:穿过,通过;自始至终;直至;因为,凭借;遍布;经历;彻底地;透过/通过…感知;在…之中  [更多..]



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