单词 tube 例句大全,用单词tube造句:

Tube pitch effect on heat transfer local characteristics of flat tube bank fin mounted with vortex generators.
Treatment of Abnormal Patency of Eustachian Tube with Shunt Operation of the Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle Tendon
The tube comprising the semicircle arc plate is fixed at the bottom side and the side wall of the heating tube.
Maximum of six fibers shall be put in a loose plastic tube. The space inside the tube shall be filled with gel.
每根松套管内最多放六根光纤, 油膏填充。
Including abnormal curvature of cervical vertebrae, hyperosteogeny, narrowing of vertebrae tube and disc height.
and the clamping mechanisms at both ends of the tube are arranged at the front end of the tube bending mechanism.
An excrement outlet at the bottom of the close stool is connected with a toilet drain tube through the siphon tube.
Tube placement and drug irrigation in the auditory tube under nasoscope for the treatment of secretory otitis media
the cover joint step includes that the tube cover of the toothpaste tube is in thread connection with the tube body.
A telescopic police baton, belonging to the police supplies, comprises an outer tube, a middle tube and an inner core.
The feasibility was discussed for the use of Venturi tube and automatic exhaust valve for expelling air from siphon tube.
Study on influence of different times of gastric tube indwelling for preoperative patients before abdominal region surgery
A novel solar desalination unit with vertical tube falling film evaporation and horizontal tube condensation was designed.
设计了一种竖管降膜 横管冷凝的太阳能海水淡化装置。
The installation and use methods of the inner tube with an antipuncturing cavity are the same as those of the common inner tube.
Two patients with abnormal patency of eustachian tube were treated with shunt operation of the tensor veli palatini muscle tendon.
This article introduces a gun type of gas burners for radiating tube and a method of designing combustion unit for radiating tube.
The annular space between the outer tube and inner tube is evacuated to virtually eliminate heat loss by conduction and convection.
Comparison of Solanum muricatum Ait. Stomatal behavior between plantlets cultured in test tube and transplanted from test tube to soil
The frontrear axle hangs elastically, and disposes with the tube shaped hydraulic shock absorber, for seating smoothly and comfortably.
前后桥弹性悬挂, 并装有筒式液力见在减震器, 乘座平顺舒适。
The pollen tube may grow down the stylar canal, or it may secrete enzymes that digest the tissue of style, creating a path for the tube.
如果你看一看这几张树的花粉的照片, 它们很光滑。
The utility model relates to an injuryfree multichannel intraperitoneal drainage tube, which comprises a tube body and a connecting tube.
The electric wire tube protector and the transportation corrode the liquid medium, the ultra pure water equipment uses the tube and so on.
An Analysis of the Causes of Tube Explosion in the Superheater Tube Bank of a Marine Main Boiler and the Measures Taken for Resolving the Problem
DRYOUT CHARACTERISTICS IN HORIZONTAL HELICALLY COILED TUBE Heat Transfer of Steam inside a Helically Coiled Tube with Stratified Film Condensation
A vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen.

单词 tube 释义

  • 单词释义:管子;管状物/容器/器官;地铁;电视机  [更多..]



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