单词 tuesday 例句大全,用单词tuesday造句:

On Monday and Tuesday, someone is coming at you fast and furious with advice.
On Tuesday, Ms. Mayer announced the worst revenue number since she took over.
On Tuesday, the prosecutor's office did not lodge an appeal against the move.
If you were born under the sign of Aries or Scorpio, Tuesday is your lucky day.
如果你出生属于白羊座或天蝎座, 星期二是你的幸运日。
The Princess Royal also visited the Imperial Palace Museum on Tuesday afternoon.
All 118 leaders and activists detained last Tuesday in Harare have been released.
I can not come to dinner on tuesday; I have already arranged to do something else.
Abu Dhabi announced on Tuesday that it plans to create the worlds first Smurf Village.
The keynote address will be held at Moscone West on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 900 a.m.
为什么在这个前途充满迷雾, 危机四伏的2008年底选择告别苹果?
Some analysts believe the internal figure revealed by Mr Ma on Tuesday is still too low.
I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math. My final exam is next Tuesday.
我真感谢你过来帮我学数学, 我星期二就要期末考试了。
The coach has issued a diktat that all members of the team must attend practice on tuesday.
Taiwan prosecutors Tuesday appealed to the island's High Court the release of former leader.
You are required to attend both the Tuesday and Thursday lectures and your weekly recitation.
The researchers announced Tuesday that they had documented differences between the two groups.
One of the greatest things that happened was that Actually the announcement came out on Tuesday.
On Tuesday she suggested that the administration should plan for the possibility of additional aid.
The AP count is three fewer than the Defense Departments tally, last updated Tuesday at 8 a. m. EST.
On Tuesday, the court refused to rehear an appeal from the two companies to review the June decision.
On Tuesday Thursday, President Obama announce announced that the companies have agreed to become partners.
在周四, 总统奥巴马宣布公司同意与菲亚特成为夥伴。
Darren Fletcher admits United are steeled for an Old Trafford battle against Stoke City on Tuesday evening.
Hughes is expected to make his second Major League start on Tuesday against the Rangers in Arlington, Texas.
Since Tuesday, Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities.
从星期二起, 加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复工作, 购买日用品。
On Tuesday, Huang issued an apology, saying he had been overwhelmed by emotion in the last minutes of the match.
在星期二, 黄写了一个道歉, 说他最后几分钟情绪失控。
On Tuesday doctors said representative Giffords was breathing without the aid of a machine. But she remained in critical condition.

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