Nicholas II becomes the new Tsar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, dies.
A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.
The Bolsheviks used a red flag as their symbol when they overthrew the tsar in 1917.
布尔什维克们917年推翻了沙皇, 他们用红旗作为其象征。
The first army, with which the Tsar was, was stationed in a fortified camp at Drissa.
The tsar used to separate and occupy a vast territory of northeast and northwest China.
At the same time the Tsar had his entire army ready and at their posts well before dawn.
与此同时, 沙皇命令全军在黎明前在自己的战位上做好准备。
the tsar , meeting him on two occasions , did not deign to bestow a single word upon him
In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the Crown meant a kiss from the Tsar himself.
在俄国, 得到皇室承认的最高象征就是沙皇本人给予的亲吻。
The tsar Peter I the Great was interested in medicine, and liked to personally extract teeth.
The Russian Tsar has left over a heavy historical burden about the ethnic issue for the Soviet Union.
The biggest humanmade bang of all time was the explosion in October 1961 of the Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb.
有史以来, 最大的人造爆炸是1961年10月的沙皇炸弹。
The Tsar, looking tired out, was dismounting from his horse. Marchese Paulucci was saying something to him.
Araktcheev was a trusty administrator, a stern upholder of discipline, and careful of the safety of the Tsar.
阿拉克切耶夫是忠实的执行人, 秩序的维持者, 是皇帝的侍卫
One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country.