单词 amount of heat 例句大全,用单词amount of heat造句:

On amount of working fluid in heat pipe
total amount of heat out of coke ovens.
While water evaporate, a large amount of heat is absorbed.
While water evaporates, a large amount of heat is absorbed.
A finite amount of heat is absorbed by the gas during this process.
Heat Diffusion Amount of Branch and Vertical Pipes in Heating System
浅谈采暖系统中支, 立管的散热量
In the process of solidification the same amount of heat is released.
The large amount of heat generated by the engine block has to be dissipated.
and an extraordinary amount of energy in the form of heat, acute radiation and blast effects.
极高的热能 强烈的辐射 以及剧烈的爆炸等形式扩散
He found that a given amount of mechanical energy invariably produced the same amount of heat.
The solid state phase transition in some molecular crystals reversibly absorb large amount of heat.
硫氰化铵分子晶体在固固转变时, 能可逆地吸收大量的热。
Analytical method for calculating amount of tubes laid on triangle pattern in shell and tube heat exchanger
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