单词 whiteness 例句大全,用单词whiteness造句:

A greenery sets off one another gently before its, in the wall that is like snow in whiteness, plain and sky is clever.
一盆绿叶在其前轻轻掩映, 在洁白如雪的墙壁中, 质朴而空灵。
The Calibration of Filter Paper Type Smokemeter and the Relation Between its Reading and the Whiteness of its Filter Paper
The influence of drying condition of monohydrate sodium carbonate on the whiteness of dense soda ash is discussed in this paper.
The present invention is directed to a method of efficiently maintaining or increasing brightness and whiteness of refined paper.
as for his beard, it was soft and luxuriant and as white as cotton-wool-never in my life have I seen anything of a purer whiteness or greater beauty.

单词 whiteness 释义

  • 单词释义:白,洁白;苍白;清白,纯洁;白色物质  [更多..]



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